How to swap FIS on mainnet to erc-20 FIS

Okunade Iyanuoluwa
3 min readJan 3, 2021


After hearing about StaFi’s rBridge, I was eager to try it out. If you are just hearing about rBridge, it is a cross-chain bridge linking StaFi mainnet assets and Ethereum chains. With the help of rBridge, it will be possible for users to exchange FIS for erc-20 FIS.

This brings the possibility of trading FIS with ETH on uniswap, and this was what got me interested. I imagined having to swap my FIS for erc-20 FIS at a 1:1 rate, no mint/burn charges. Gave it a try and it worked out well and smooth, I was impressed with the speed too.

I am writing this post to explain how I did mine, showing the steps I took. Someone out there might want to know if the rBridge really works, this is to show you that it does.

Step 1

Access the account on StaFi website, a page like the one below will come up. Here I have 132 FIS that I intend to swap;

Step 2

Next is to click on the three dots after ‘send’ in the above picture, this is to access the rBridge.

Alternatively, you can click on the rBridge’ in ‘Accounts’ menu to jump to ‘rBridge’ page.

Step 3

Enter the amount of FIS to be swapped.

This is the display page for rBridge, you can enter the amount of FIS you intend to swap and you will see the equivalent FIS (erc-20) that will be deposited in your ethereum address.

I was a little bit stuck here as I was not paying attention to the ‘estimated fees’, wasted my time for a while. The estimated fees should be deducted from the available FIS before entering the figure in the ‘swap account’.

This means if a user have 100 FIS and 5 FIS is indicated as estimated fee, the user should enter the maximum value of 95 FIS as anything above 95 will not be processed.

I was stuck here as I have 132 FIS and was trying to withdraw all without subtracting the estimated fees from it.

Step 4:

Sign and Submit

I was able to get through, clicked on the ‘Sign and Submit’

Step 5:

Sign transaction on polkadot extension

Had to download the polkadot extension for chrome to be able to sign the transaction.

Entered password and got this page.

The transaction went through and I got my FIS almost immediately in my wallet.


If the token did not reflect in your wallet, you can search manually for it using the contact address:


The FIS tokens in the ethereum wallet can be traded on Uniswap:

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