Okunade Iyanuoluwa
2 min readJun 8, 2022

BEPRO NETWORK: Building DApps with ease

More web2 developers are getting interested in web3 and keep migrating, the idea of building a decentralized application (DApp) is one of the key reasons for moving. There are several use-cases associated with web3 that are not just possible on web2 and the best way to utilise those use-cases is to build on web3.

There are many definitions of what web3 is, and what it is not. But the simplest one is that web3 is web2 on decentralization. The whole idea of web3 is to have applications built around real people, it is all about the community. Building decentralized applications comes with its own difficulties, especially when a developer or even a company intends to build from scratch. It is time consuming and might even lead to a security breach, as there is a higher possibility of having a loophole in the smart contracts or the framework created.

Introducing Bepro Network.
At Bepro Network, the goal is to create an ecosystem of tools and resources for developers and companies that want to build decentralized applications, in a fast and secure way.

Bepro-js is a product of the network and it is an easy way for developers to create decentralized applications. It is an open-source Javascript framework, to speed up building blockchain-related capabilities without having to learn any smart contract-specific language. Helps in building decentralized applications faster.

With bepro-js, there are four major reasons why developers are having it easy to build.

1. Better ramp-up: Blockchain-related capabilities can be added to developer software in a faster way, and avoids all the repetitive tasks associated with Smart Contracts Development.

2. Javascript SDK: Javascript is one of the most used programming languages in the world, especially for web apps and front-end purposes. There will be no need to add additional languages to your stack, in order to build decentralized Web3 applications.

3. Faster time-to-market: Increase the speed of development, testing, and deployment of Smart Contracts;

4. Reduce costs: application development costs are reduced by using an open-source framework.

There are opportunities for developers to earn $BEPRO token by contributing to projects and providing values. The Bepro Network is managed by the utility ERC-20 token that also enables token holders to manage disputes in the Network.

All developers are welcome to be a part of the community, contribute to exciting projects and get rewarded for it.

Connect with Bepro Network
Website: https://bepro.network/
Github: https://github.com/bepronetwork
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bepronet
Blog: https://bepronetwork.medium.com/
Documentation: https://docs.bepro.network/

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